Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Janet, I say go right ahead...

and blame at least 5 lbs on muscle. Don't they say that muscle weighs more than fat and that's why sometimes when people re-shape their bodies, the scale doesn't go down as much as they expected.

Good for you for working out and building some muscle!!

I need to figure out how to think differently about exercise. I've always seen it as torture or punishment for needing to loose weight. Can anyone help me get motivated to get my butt on the treadmill? You would think the China trip would be incentive enough, but it's just not doing it for me. I need to somehow change my attitude about exercise.

I think part of my problem is the daily muscle pain of fibromyalgia, which I've been dealing (or actually, not dealing) with for years. I was diagnosed by Mayo in 1992, but have seen suffering with this for at least 7 years before they figured out what was wrong. Finally it was diagnosed and reading the medical info on fibro was like reading the story of my life. I finally knew what was wrong and why I felt so much pain everyday. Exercise is one of the best things for fibro sufferers, but getting on that treadmill when all my muscles already hurt is not easy...years later I still haven't got moving.


Donna :)


Middle-Aged Moi said...


I've heard that fibromyalgia is so painful! I can't imagine feeling that way. What if you started slowly every day. LIke, tell yourself that you are only going to do 15 minutes. Do 5 minutes of just slow walking, then 5 of something a bit harder, then 5 of slow again? Maybe if it wasn't so daunting for you. My mom has really bad health and she finds that swimming is the easiest exercise on her body. Is that available to you?

For me, part of the motivation is just feeling good, but the other part, and this may sound weird, is that I like my face better. I have always had a round face, it's just the shape of it, but now there's some actual cheekbones. This may seem weird to you, but I sometimes, when I feel like stopping, just say over and over again, "cheekbones, cheekbones, cheekbones." I want to see what I REALLY look like. I think having a mantra really helps. Like "HEALTHY, or CHINA" or whatever you are striving for. Have you felt the adrenalin rush you get when you work out? It's AWESOME! I think when I first started it was torture, but now I crave it and NEED it. I will do EVERYTHING I can to help you. But I think you should talk to your doctor about exercise that is SAFE for your condition too. You don't want to hurt yourself.Sorry, rather long winded of me, but hang in there! Let's keep talking and helping each other. Maybe someone can help me STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR! That's my biggest downfall.

Shannon said...

I think Janet's idea of a mantra is a good one. I also think that you should try a couple different things until you find an "exercise" that isn't really exercise for you. If you LIKE doing it, then you won't dread it. It sounds like you'd rather pull out your eyebrows than hop on a treadmill. So, don't get on a treadmill! you should make a plan to try something new every week for a month. Like Jazzercise, or water aerobics, or swing dance lessons or something. Just keep trying stuff until you find one that isn't torture. I used to do Tae Kwon Do, and I loved it. It was WORK, but it was sooo much more fun for me to kick things (or people!) then to try and run. And because I loved it, I did it a lot. They moved my class to another city an hour away, so I'm in the same boat. I have to find something I WANT to do. Because treadmills stink!!

janethe said...

Music as you're walking instead of tv. Dollar Tree has FM radios that clip on your waistband. Listening to music is so much better than watching tv. I guess it's the beat. And remember every 5 minutes additional today is 5 minutes you weren't doing yesterday. That's what I'm telling myself!