Thursday, May 31, 2007


Hello there, everyone! My name is Janet and I am so happy to join this group. I'm happy because it's called "HEALTHY" challenge, and my main focus is on health! I have lost 57 pounds so far and still have 20 more to I'm on my way, but am having a REALLY hard time getting rid of these last pounds!!ARG! What motivated me to get start to get healthy? Well, sit down and listen to my crazy story....

A year and half ago, some wonky things started happening to my body. Strange thing number one- my nipples started to bleed. I know that it's a fairly personal thing, but hey, we're all ladies here, right? So off I went to the doctor, where I was informed that I might have breast cancer. That was a shock! I was 31 and scared! I went through all the testing and....NO CANCER! I was VERY grateful, but what on earth was causing the bleeding?

Strange thing number two- horrible periods, strange mood swings, lots of hair growth and acne on my face. What on earth? A lot of that I had had for years, but it seemed worse for some reason. So...back to the doctor to figure it out. They found a tumour on my pituitary gland in my brain. I was scared to death, but my doctor assured me that MANY women actually have it (it's called a "pituitary adenoma") and I did my research, and the doctor did PLENTY of tests. Sure enough- it was benign, and it was really small. Still, if affected my hormone levels and thus all the strange things. I'm on hormone therapy, and getting regular blood tests done. I have had NO growth from the tumour. My doctor assures me that it is non-cancerous but is just a pain for me. So.....

I started to take my health VERY seriously. You start to realize after almost having breast cancer, then almost having brain cancer (I thought) that life is so precious and that you do NOT want to miss out on anything because you can't do things. I started to exercise every day, and I LOVED it! I feel so much stronger now, so much healthier. Just tonight on our walk my son feel off his bike and I ran to him. I was taken aback when I got there that I wasn't even the least bit out of breath. Such a good feeling.

Anyway, that's why I'm here. I want to continue on with this healthy journey. I don't want to be a stick. I know I will never look like a model. But I want to be healthy and happy for my family, and for me.

1 comment:

Julie said...

OMG! The exact thing happend to me!! I was 17 when I had the tumor and pituitary gland removed. The tumor was 16 mm and they guessed that it had been there since I was 12. This my cause for infertility - it also stunted my growth plus a whole lot more! Wow, I am in shock that we had the exact same thing. It's a very small world!